1/9 - 1/16 - The Collective will have its next meeting in Mrs. Outman's room on Thursday, January 16th.
1/9 - 1/10 - Attention IMPETUS students! There are 2 trips next week. Our monthly visit to Clarkson next Wednesday and a trip on Friday to a Clarkson women’s hockey game. Check your email for details! You need to let Ms. LaRock or Mrs. Bissonette know by this Friday, Jan 10th if you are attending either or both.
1/9 - Living Environment regents review session will be after school from 2:30-3:25 today in Room 215 with Ms. LaRock.
1/9 - 2/7 - Spring Sport Sign Ups will be Monday February 3rd through Friday February 7th with your PE Teacher.
1/9 - Administrative detention for middle school students will be held in room 524 with Mrs. Clark.
1/9 - Administrative detention for high school students will be held in the library with Mrs. Darling.
We will be having our annual FAFSA Night tonight, January 9, 2025 from 5-7 pm in the HS Library. This is for both students and parents to get help with completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid.
Brasher Falls Central School District is on a 2 hour delay for today, January 9, 2025. This includes no AM Pre-K, no AM BOCES, and no Morning Program.
1/8 - 1/16 - The Collective will have its next meeting in Mrs. Outman's room on Thursday, January 16th.
1/8 - 1/10 - Attention IMPETUS students! There are 2 trips next week. Our monthly visit to Clarkson next Wednesday and a trip on Friday to a Clarkson women’s hockey game. Check your email for details! You need to let Ms. LaRock or Mrs. Bissonette know by this Friday, Jan 10th if you are attending either or both.
1/8 - 1/9 - Living Environment regents review session will be after school from 2:30-3:25 tomorrow in Room 215 with Ms. LaRock
1/8 - 2/7 - Spring Sport Sign Ups will be Monday February 3rd through Friday February 7th with your PE Teacher.
1/8 - 1/9 - Administrative detention for middle school students will be held in room 524 with Mrs. Clark.
1/8 - 1/9 - Administrative detention for high school students will be held in the library with Mrs. Darling.
1/7 - Extended day is cancelled for today.
1/7 - Attention Sophomores - If you sold Krispy Kreme donuts you MUST pick them up at 2:30 in the guidance office so you can deliver them this afternoon. If you have any questions please let Mrs. Murray or Miss Bethel know.
1/7 - 1/10 - Attention IMPETUS students! There are 2 trips next week. Our monthly visit to Clarkson on next Wednesday and a trip on Friday to a Clarkson women’s hockey game. Check your email for details! You need to let Ms. LaRock or Mrs. Bissonette know by this Friday, Jan 10th if you are attending either or both.
1/7 - 1/9 - Living Environment regents review sessions will be after school from 2:30-3:25 this week as follows: Thursday 1/9 in Room 215 with Ms. LaRock
1/7 - 2/7 - Spring Sport Sign Ups will be Monday February 3rd through Friday February 7th with your PE Teacher.
1/7 - 1/9 - Administrative detention for middle school students will be held in room 524 with Mrs. Clark.
1/7 - 1/9 - Administrative detention for high school students will be held in the library with Mrs. Darling.
1/6 - 2/7 - Spring Sport Sign Ups will be Monday February 3rd through Friday February 7th with your PE Teacher.
1/6 - 1/9 - Administrative detention for middle school students will be held in room 524 with Mrs. Clark.
1/6 - No activity period for high school students today due to a high school faculty meeting.
1/2 - The prom theme is "Under The Lanterns"
1/2 - Attention Extended Day students, there is Extended Day this afternoon.
1/2 - Administrative detention for middle school students will be held in room 524 with Mrs. Clark.
1/2 - Administrative detention for high school students will be held in room 125 with Mr. Cruikshank.
Brasher Falls Central School District is on a 2 hour delay for today, January 2nd, 2025. This includes no AM Pre-K, no AM BOCES, and no Morning Program.
12/20 - The prom theme is "Under The Lanterns"
We hope you have a wonderful holiday break! Just a reminder that school will resume on Thursday, January 2, 2025. It will be a Day 6. Happy Holidays!
12/19 - Attention Extended Day students, there is NO "regular" Extended Day today, only for the students that signed up for the field trip to the movies.
12/19 - Administrative detention for middle school students will be held in room 201 with Ms. Peck.
12/19 - Administrative detention for high school students will be held in room 216 with Mrs. Cheevers.
12/18 - Boys varsity hockey will have practice tonight, no game.
12/18 - Spanish Club Members: Our Christmas party will be today during activity period in Mrs. Arquitt's room. Please bring a snack to share.
12/18 - 12/19 - Administrative detention for middle school students will be held in room 201 with Ms. Peck.
12/18 - Administrative detention for high school students will be held in room 217 with Mr. Gendler.
12/17 - 12/18 - Spanish Club Members: Our Christmas party will be tomorrow during activity period in Mrs. Arquitt's room. Please bring a snack to share. Secret Santa gifts are due to Mrs. Arquitt by today.
12/17 - 12/19 - Administrative detention for middle school students will be held in room 201 with Ms. Peck.
12/17 - Administrative detention for high school students will be held in room 216 with Mrs. Cheevers.
12/16 - 12/18 - Spanish Club Members: Our Christmas party will be on Wednesday during activity period in Mrs. Arquitt's room. Please bring a snack to share. Secret Santa gifts are due to Mrs. Arquitt by tomorrow.
12/16 - 12/19 - Administrative detention for middle school students will be held in room 201 with Ms. Peck.
12/16 - 12/17 - Administrative detention for high school students will be held in room 216 with Mrs. Cheevers.
12/13 - Attention all middle school and high school students. You will be going skating for Physical Education classes next week. Bring your own skates if you have them. Also, plan on dressing appropriately.
12/11 - 12/12 - Any Extended Day students planning on going to the 'Wild Lights" in Tupper Lake Friday, please get your permission slips turned in by Friday morning. Also you need to make sure you bring your outdoor gear with you on Friday. Any questions please see Mrs. Nezezon
12/11 - 12/13 - Attention all middle school and high school students. You will be going skating for Physical Education classes next week. Bring your own skates if you have them. Also, plan on dressing appropriately.
12/11 - IMPETUS students: Our monthly trip to Clarkson is today. Meet in the HS lobby at 3:25 to get attendance and catch the bus!
12/11 - 12/12 - Administrative detention for middle school students will be held in room 201 with Ms. Peck.
12/11 - 12/12 - Administrative detention for high school students will be held in room 123 with Mr. Brown.
12/10 - 12/13 - Attention all middle school and high school students. You will be going skating for Physical Education classes next week. Bring your own skates if you have them. Also, plan on dressing appropriately.
12/10 - 12/11 - IMPETUS students: Our monthly trip to Clarkson is tomorrow. Please let Ms. LaRock know if you plan on attending! Meet in the HS lobby at 3:25 to get attendance and catch the bus!
12/10 - Attention Seniors - your order forms for our RiverRat fundraiser are due today to Ms. Dean or Mrs. Avery-Truax. Money is due when you hand in your orders.
12/10 - 12/12 - Administrative detention for middle school students will be held in room 201 with Ms. Peck.
12/10 - 12/12 - Administrative detention for high school students will be held in room 123 with Mr. Brown.
Brasher Falls Central School District is on a 2 hour delay for today, December 10, 2024. This includes no AM Pre-K, no AM BOCES, and no Morning Program.
12/9 - 12/13 - Attention all middle school and high school students. You will be going skating for Physical Education classes next week. Bring your own skates if you have them. Also, plan on dressing appropriately.
12/9 - 12/11 - IMPETUS students: Our monthly trip to Clarkson is on Wednesday. Please let Ms. LaRock know if you plan on attending! Meet in the HS lobby at 3:25 to get attendance and catch the bus!
12/9 - Attention seniors: Your permission slips for our first Ferris Bueller Friday is DUE today. Please return to Ms. Dean or Mrs. Avery-Truax.
12/9 - 12/10 - Attention Seniors - your order forms for our RiverRat fundraiser are due by tomorrow to Ms. Dean or Mrs. Avery-Truax. Money is due when you hand in your orders.
12/9 - 12/12 - Administrative detention for middle school students will be held in room 201 with Ms. Peck.
12/9 - Administrative detention for high school students will be held in the gym with Ms. Chamberlain.
Great things are happening in our district, and we're excited to share them with you! Enjoy our December Bird's Eye View District Newsletter: